The Dutch went crazy for Queensday again! For all non-dutch; on april 30 we celebrate our queens birthday. Well, actually it's the birthday of the queens mom (she passed away last year) This year it was also our queens 25th year on the job. I wonder if our government gave her an engraved watch :P On the night before Queensday the actual party starts. In the larger cities like Utrecht the streets are flooded with happy (and slightly drunk) people, dressed mostly in orange, and there's a huge nightly flea market in the centre of the city. Unfortunately enough for me, I had to work on Queensday and be in at 10 am, so I did not spend the entire night in town. Work sucked by the way, there were hardly any customers so I was boored out of my brain for 7 hours, missing all the festivities and actually get very tired from doing so little... When I came home I decided not to go in town again, cause my feet were killing me, so I stayed in and watch two movies; the Devil's Advocate and Cube. the first one I had already seen before but it was on tv and I like it, so I decided it was worth to watch again. One of my friends had been very enthousiastic about Cube and I must admit it is a fantastic movie! Go see it if you haven't yet!
Sunday morning I woke up at 10 am and decided to watch some more movies and be lazy as hell. Although Ichi the Killer is not really a sunday morning movie I enjoyed it (one more I can get of my list of movies I should definately see some time). One last to go; Cube Zero, usually I don't like sequels (or I believe it's even nr.3, but HyperCube is not that good, or so I am told), but I am curious if it is anything like the original Cube. Well, I'll go get a cup of coffee and get back to doing nothing in particular..

Wow, it's like 25 degrees outside; forget about the movies, let's get some sun!!
ReplyDeleteIs that the cube where a guy gets diced into little bits in the opening sequence?? I LOVE that film.
ReplyDeleteIt is, can't believe they filmed the entire film in a 14x14m set. The result is freaky... On of the best movies I have ever seen!