Thursday, July 21, 2005

New layout

I couldn't sleep last night so I started making a new layout for this blog. Didn't finish it though, but I managed to do the last bits in some lost minutes at the lab... So here it is. Less standard than the previous layout. I had to do quite a little bit of html, but that's not too difficult. Comments turn up on this page now too, rather than opening a new one and the text is lined out nicer. Let me know what you think about it..


  1. Hm, internet explorer seems to mess things up. I only use Firefox, so I didn't notice. Let's see if I can fix that...

  2. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Hoezo,mess things up ; volgens mij is d'r nix aan de hand !

  3. Hm, bij mij geeft ie wel problemen (verschove teksten enzo), maar is over een dag of wat wel opgelost denk ik.....

  4. Ok, if I use embedded or so called "peek-a-boo" comments Internet Explorer messes up my text, so I'll leave that for now. I'll put it in in as soon as everybody is using Firefox as their webbrowser (which is way nicewr anyway) or I figure out why this happens.

  5. YEAH! I got it fixed, this is how I want it to look. And it's working in both IE and Firefox..

  6. Anonymous4:57 AM

    looking goooood!!
