I just received an email with the official job-offer to get my PHD at the Functional Neurobiology department of Utrecht University. It's the project I talked about earlier. The official title is;
Neural mechanisms of voluntarily control: shaping conscious visual perception. It's one of the High Potential projects of Utrecht University, physics of men and functional neurobiology working together. I did not accept yet, but I'm pretty sure I will within the next 24 hours. I just need to process this first and not respond within 5 minutes. Besides the aim of the project (finding the neurophysiology of controlled perception, popularly "willpower") and the techniques (electrophysiology, psychophysics and fMRI) the internationally oriented approach of the project appeals to me very much. Utrecht University will be cooperating with Harvard, Princeton, Salk Institute and the University of Sydney. With all these unemployed academics out there, I'm pretty lucky to get this offer months before I even graduate and get my MSc... And I didn't even have to attend a job interview (which would have been pretty hard, with me being in the USA and all). It helps that the principal investigator is the guy I worked with during my first internship last summer. He already knows me and the way I work. Guess he liked it. So now I can start planning for real, because the moment I accept I'll be settled till 2010. Returning to the Netherlands, write my masters thesis and find a $%#@ course to officially complete my BSc (yeah, I forgot to do one and we discovered that only when I had already planned my internship in the USA. It's a free choice course, so I can do whatever I want at a level I had 3 years ago, so it's really quite silly). I think can attend a course and write a thesis at the same time, I think I can even write a thesis on a topic anticipating the PHD project, so ill must be able to start March next year. Official graduation will be in April. I'm totally off with the order of things here. Usually one gets a BSc, then a MSc, then when starts looking for a PHD-student position. I will probably start of with accepting a PHD student position, then finish the requirements for my MSc and the last thing I will do is fullfilling the requirements for a BSc. Yeeeeeeeeh me, rebel :P
Gefeliciteerd!!!Zit het je toch, uiteindelijk allemaal weer ontzettend mee!! Guus Geluk!!!
ReplyDeleteNaja, Guss Geluk vinnik wat ver gaan. Ik heb er wel voor moeten werken natuurlijk...
ReplyDeleteDáár twijfel ik niet aan!!! Maar er waren meer kandidaten, vandaar!
ReplyDelete...daar moet op gedronken worden hi ha ho!
ReplyDeleteFor all "anonymous" responders; if you choose "other" you can leave your name. Unless you want to stay anonymous of course....
ReplyDeleteWHAAAA! ik lees het nu pas maar gefeliciteeeeerd!! jammer dat ik je niet in persoon kan feliciteren maar dat doe ik over een maand en een week nog wel :D Echt een goeie baan en dat voor je bent afgestudeerd!! ik zei het toch. mazzelpikkie! nou dikke kus om het te vieren: X
ReplyDeleteGa je lekker ??
ReplyDeleteLaten we het er maar op houden dat je een soort geluks-engeltje hebt!!! Leukies!!!