This long post could and maybe even should have been a couple of short stories. All I had to do for that is update this thing every time or half the times I thought about doing it. A combination of being busy and a reluctant I'll-do-that-later-attitude has led us to a blogless week with a large post on satyrday. I'll ake you through the week quickly with some pictures to ease the reading. Pic1; the house is on the market. Not totally finished but the ads have been placed and responses are coming in. I wonder how fast it will sell...

Pic2. I witnessed the United States in one of it's great patriotic moments; the fourth of july. We went to Tigard high to watch the fireworks from the football field. I must say I was not totally comfortable when the entire crowd stood up and faced the flag to listen to the national anthem with their hands on their hearts. It's strange, but maybe it's just me lacking a great sense of patriotism :P Fireworks were fun though and the kids didn't seem to have any problems staying up so late.

Weather is getting better, it has been so sunny almost the entire week (real icecream-temperatures: Pic3) The fourth of july was a free monday which caused the working week t be shoerter and fly by. We came up with the idea to do a new kind of behavioral test to strengthen the validity of the other research. We have to build a new device for it and test if it works the way we think it will. And if it does, we will run in to a recording problem that we have not entirely solved on paper yet. We will build the device and run some pilots next week and then we'll decide wether it's worth the effort. The basic idea is to put a mouse on platform that is moving (vestibular stimulation) and have a screen with optokinetic information in sight of the mouse. We will then test with mice that have a damaged nodulus and compare them with 'normal' mice. We will record the headmovements to show (or at least we expect to show) that the nodulus is primarily involved in vestibular processing and not that much optokinetics. This will probably not make any sense to whoever is reading this, but then again, I don't really believe you people care about the details and maybe I'll explain stuff better later (their we go again postponing...)

I did some more sightseeing last week which resulted in a couple of nice pictures
that I will put on my photoblog (see link on the right side of this page) right after I will finish this post.

My parents arrived last wednesday, but they will move on to washington and Canada on monday already. They will however meet up with us next weekend when we will spend some time at the beach. I'm looking forward to that; always been kind of a sucker for oceans :D
The electonic trouble department has been cleared thoroughly. After 2 formats my iPod's working again. I have lost all my music but it's still on my computer back in the Netherlands and for the last 4 months (time flies) in the USA I have my sources that have provided me with some nice music. Thanx Bo and thanx Martin. Good thing you guys have a proper sense of music... I am writing this post on my OWN laptop. After three months I finally got it back, with a nice new screen..........and an erased harddisk. I don't really get why you need to erase the harddisk to replace a screen, but it's all working now, so I will not mention it again.
Sita has her ticket and stuff arranged as well and she will arrive 3 days after my parents leave. August 8 I will see my girlfriend again... that'll be great!
Enough for now. I wonder how long I'll be able to postpone the next post.. we'll see...
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