Two days left in Portland. I am busy finishing up and making sure I don't forget anything. Presented my work for the research group today and it went great. My professor even asked if he could use some of the schematic pictures I made. After the talk we had a nice it-has-been-nice-working-with-you moment. They gave me a OHSU "brain awareness" T-shirt and I gave my direct colleagues a copy of the book "Flowers for Argenon". It's about a neuroscience lab that does an experiment that makes a mouse really intelligent and then they try it on a human being.. Si-fi, but supposedly pretty cool. So tomorrow I'll have to pick up myfinal report at kinkos and hand it in, clean up my desks and do more stuff to deal with leaving. As a nice surprise I was told I am going to go the Rose Garden tomorrow night to see the Portland Trailblazers play the Detroit Pistons. Should be cool to witness an NBA game. Then I need to start packing my suitcases. The six months are almost over. I'll be having dinner in G.W. backyard on sunday and next thursday I'll be in Amsterdam. But first I need to get some sleep; working towards deadlines usually gets me on some sort of adrenaline rush, so I need less sleep. Now that the efforts of 9 months are all done, I can relax and enjoy the last moments in the USA for a while. I really like Oregon so I am sure I'll be back sometime. But it won't be any time soon, 'cause living abroad for nine months witout pay or the right to work is fantastic, but expensive. I am looking forward to going home, but I am sure I will miss the Portland area and my family. Ah well, to quote my colleague Vadim: "Such is life..."
crikey... six months over already?! reeeally random unrelated question: who do I contact about my photoblogger account?- It won't let me sign in and you're the only other person I know on there! :(