My report is approaching the finish line. I think I have all the text I want. I just have to make sure I put my references in the text correctly and that will take some time. I think I can manage to hand my report in before I leave for Washington DC, though. I might give a talk next week. Dunno about what yet. The main topic of my internship is a research topic everyone in the research group co-operates in and we all reviewed the recent manuscripts and grants, so I guess everyone knows exactly what 's the deal. I could talk about the possibilities for a model I explored or my ideas on a new behavioral experiments. Or I don't give a talk, we'll see, I don't care.. Monday we will be able to record again if our mouse made it through the weekend. It looked fine friday night, so it should be okay, but you never know.
By the way, I didn't pay attention for a second and all of a sudden it is very fallish. Cold and wet. Guess the Oregon rain season has started again. Well, one more week..time flies..
ok ik denk dat ik hem volgned jaar wel uit heb als ik nu begin met lezen...maaruh, restecp dat je het bijna af hebt!!