Sunday, September 25, 2005


Yesterday after watching Max's soccer match, I made pannenkoeken. These dutch pancakes are rather different from their american counterparts. They're thinner and bigger. I made a lot but today we are already approaching the bottom of the pile so I guess it won't get wasted. I was Bella's first time she had pannekoeken and she especially liked the cheesy ones. That morning we went to the Dutch store to get some stroop (a kind of syrup, you put on the pannenkoek) and many other things you never realise are unique for the Netherlands when you see them in your supermarket every week. A sure treat for the immigrant and the accompanying kid that is allowed to get his own assorting of "dropjes". Other than that there is not a lot to tell. Time flies now that I have some practical work to do besides writing my report and the weekends are gone before you know it.

To top it off for the night I changed the music again. Has any of you ever had the weird experience you always kind of liked a certain band but than one day you listen to it again after you haven't listened to it for a while and you totally love them. And you just can't figure out was has caused this change, since it's the same music it was years ago. Well, I have had that with the Clash and it was starting when I wrote that post about it a while ago. Right now I listen to it practically every day when I go to work and it never gets boring. These guys just made some awesome music and it's just weird I never fully realised that. Also I promised Martin I wouldn't mention his soccer-matches on my blog so I won't ;P


  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

    een aantal liedjes van the cure heb ik dat nu mee.. zitten best leuke tussen..

    ow en wat anders
    heb je al ns naar jack johnson geluisterd.. de cd In between dreams.. lekkere muziek man..

  2. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Leuk die snoetjes!!
    't Was dus een succes!

  3. Anonymous11:49 PM

    beetje jammer, nu doe je het toch een beetje....

  4. een beetje maar, net voldoende om de juichende fans uit j voortuin te houden :P
